Good Times Coin
Good NF Timers
There are two ways to mint: Pay 6.9GTC, or hold onto it and pay with ONE
0 out of 4269 Minted
Here are the last 3 minted:
Life Advice NFT Generator
We all want good times, but sometimes we just don't know how.
This sophisticated algorithm generates accurate and relevant life advice, guaranteed to bring you good times.
These are text-based NFT's. There's no image. They're stored 100% on-chain, as opposed to most NFTs, that just point to an image URL
The contract is here.
Mint yourself a free NFT on the Harmony Network!
0 out of 6969 Minted
This is currently a one-man project (plus a couple of casual helpers). 69% of the GTC supply is still to be distributed, as per the Whitepaper.
Also, I make no guarantees on anything. I don’t really know what I’m doing...
My dream is to send GTC to the (figurative) moon
I want the Good Times to grow. I want people to stumble across this project and think "wow, some dude just gave me $10, $69, $420... of crypto. No strings attached."
I want people who were here from the start to have $4,692 worth of GTC, by doing absolutely nothing except having good times. Just to prove that anything is possible and you don't even have to try.
But I’m also happy if people come along, get the 68GTC and just sell it to buy rice, dentures, or whatever they need to bring them good times.
My plan is deceptively simple, yet so complicated and insane that only a madman would believe it could work.
Phase 1: Good NF Timers
4,269 unique NFTs - Launching soon.
Phase 2: The Good Times Store
The Good Times Store will sell all things that enhance good times, starting with ebooks.
Because the Good Times Foundation (me) will be holding GTC recovered through the Good NF Timers sale, I can break even on GTC sales and still make money by encouraging GTC use.
Amazon charges a 30-65% commission on ebooks, which means we can charge 30-65% less, and still pay authors the same amount, if users pay with GTC.
Users can pay in dollars or GTC. The prices in dollars will be displayed alongside the much lower prices in GTC, which creates The Gap.
For example:
Let's say today GTC is at $1. You want to buy a book that's listed for either $10 or 5GTC. You obviously choose to pay with GTC.
Next week, the GTC price is $2. The book is now listed for either $10 or 2.5GTC. You choose GTC. I don't know why you want to buy the same book again, but whatever.
There's a crypto market crash and GTC drops back to $1. But because the prices are locked from increasing, the book is still either $10 or 2.5GTC.
Phase 3: Decentralisation
The Good Times Store code/payment gateway is made available to the masses, so that anyone can start their own Good Times Store, the algorithm controlling prices still produces The Gap between dollar prices and GTC prices, creating more upward pressure.
Successful stores will be rewarded with extra GTC, to incentivize growth.
Phase 4: Growth
As GTC grows, the stores will stock more and more products, day to day stuff like fruit and veggies. Charging unbelievably cheap prices, because even if some products are losing money, The value of the GTC stack grows faster than the money lost on any sales.